As the sun begins its descent in the sky, many animals go out to forage for one last meal. At the same time, nocturnal animals awaken and move across the landscape. Join a naturalist on a hike of Smith and Bybee Wetlands Natural Area to explore the magical space between day and night.
Cost: $6/person, $11/family
Ages: all ages
Difficulty: easy
Advanced registration is required. Class size is limited to 18.
Registration is handled through the Oregon Zoo, a service of Metro.
Register now
Pets policy: To protect plants, wildlife and people, Metro does not allow pets at most regional parks and natural areas. Pets can damage sensitive habitat and threaten wildlife the region has worked to protect. In natural areas where dogs are not allowed, people see more wildlife and get closer to it. Seeing-eye dogs or other service animals are allowed. Please bring cleanup materials.