Learn more about the proposed urban growth boundary exchange and ask questions of staff.
The Metro Council is required by the State of Oregon to periodically evaluate the capacity of Metro’s urban growth boundary to accommodate projected housing needs and employment growth over the next 20 years, and to make UGB expansions when more land is needed. Metro’s most recent Urban Growth Report from 2018 is available on Metro’s website at oregonmetro.gov/ugr.
State regulations also allow for UGB land exchanges between these periodic growth evaluations. The exchange process allows for areas that have clear plans for development, public infrastructure and governance to be added to the UGB when a roughly equal amount of land is removed from the UGB in another area. To allow the expansion proposed by the City of Tigard, Metro has identified potential exchange areas that are inside the UGB but are not zoned for urban uses and are not likely to develop over the next 20 years. Learn more at oregonmetro.gov/boundaryexchange.