The Seven Generations Drum Group performs at an Indigenous Peoples Day celebration in 2016. Photography by Thaddeus Ari Donoho
Since 2015, Metro Council has declared the second Monday in October Indigenous Peoples Day in celebration of the region's Indigenous community and cultures. This year, in collaboration with the Portland area's Native American Community Advisory Council to Metro and Portland Parks and Recreation, Metro will be hosting the region's second annual Indigenous Peoples Day celebration at the Oregon Zoo.
This event will highlight Indigenous voices and will include representation from the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Confederated Tribes of Siletz, several cultural performances from Mexica Tiahui PDX, Portland State University's Pacific Islander Club, several local Indigenous storytellers and First Foods practitioners.
Admission to the event is free, and the Oregon Zoo is providing the first 300 attendees with admission tickets good through the rest of the year.