This event is full. A second class has been added from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Learn more
Mosses are some of the most ancient plants, having survived ice ages and mass extinctions. On this walk in the woods, search for specimens to identify and understand. The program will include an overview of the natural history of moss and the ways humans use moss. Magnification lenses will be provided. In northwest Portland, directions will be provided to registered participants. $6 per person, $11 per family; suitable for ages 11 and up.
No-dogs policy: To protect plants, wildlife and people, Metro does not allow pets at regional parks and natural areas. Pets can damage sensitive habitat and threaten wildlife the region has worked to protect. In natural areas where dogs are not allowed, people see more wildlife and get closer to it. Seeing-eye dogs or other service animals are permitted with proper identification and cleanup materials.