Thanks to the investment of voters in 2006 , 2013 and 2019. Metro has invested more than $90 million to support a broad range of community nature projects across greater Portland, helping to protect and restore important wildlife habitat, improve water quality, build visitor amenities and connect people to nature close to home.
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Learn about past grant projects
Past grantees have connected students to nature, created a nature park and given youth of color job trainings. That's just three of the dozens of project supported by Nature in Neighborhoods.
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That investment in nature and communities is continuing because of voter support for a parks and natural areas levy in 2016 and natural areas bond measure in 2019. Grants are designed to support communities of color and other communities who have experienced barriers to accessing Metro grant funding in the past.
Nature in Neighborhoods grants have been an extremely popular part of Parks and Nature’s community investments program. Restoration projects have helped restore salmon habitat in streams across greater Portland. Nature education grants have brought young people closer to nature. Funding for land acquisition have helped create new nature parks in park-poor neighborhoods.