Common hazardous ingredients
Organic solvents such as trichloroethylene, halogenated and aromatic hydrocarbons, lye products or sodium bisulfate.
Potential hazards
Tank cleaners containing organic solvents can contaminate ground water and should not be used. Products that contain lye or sodium bisulfate can burn skin and eyes.
Use gloves, goggles and a respirator with an organic vapor cartridge.
Store out of reach of children and pets in a locked cabinet.
Take to a hazardous waste facility or collection event.
There is no non-chemical solution other than proper maintenance.
Maintenance tips:
- Pump your tank every one to two years.
- Consider disconnecting your garbage disposal.
- Don’t dispose of grease, fat, hair, cigar and cigarette butts, tissues and towels or sanitary napkins in your system.
- Install low-flow water use products on your sink, toilet and shower.
- Minimize the amount of household cleaners that go down your drains, especially bleach or toilet disinfectants.
- Have your tank professionally cleaned every three to five years.