Recording available here.
In 2018, voters across the region supported a $652.8 million bond measure to fund affordable housing. The Housing Bond Community Oversight Committee makes recommendations to Metro Council to ensure that investments meet the regional goals and desired outcomes of the housing bond.
The Metro Council has appointed a community oversight committee to provide independent and transparent oversight of the housing bond implementation. The community oversight committee will meet at least four times annually throughout the life of the affordable housing bond program. The meetings are open to the public. A period for public comment will be provided during each meeting; check the meeting agenda for details.
If you would like to provide testimony
Submit written testimony by emailing [email protected]. Testimony received by 12 p.m. the Thursday before the meeting will be shared with the committee in advance. All written testimony received will be added to the meeting record. Written testimony received after the 12 p.m. deadline will be shared with the committee after the meeting.
Those wishing to testify orally are encouraged to sign up in advance by either: (a) contacting the Program Assistant by email at [email protected] and providing your name and the agenda item on which you wish to testify or (b) if time permits you may be able to testify without prior notice by letting the facilitator know during the public testimony period in the virtual meeting.
Individuals will have three minutes to testify unless otherwise stated at the meeting.