Recording available here.
This is one of two optional drop-in sessions for the Natural Areas and Capital Program Performance Oversight Committee in August.
These sessions will both cover the same topics and are intended as an opportunity for committee members to prepare for the discussion at the September 14 committee meeting by hearing a bit more about the foundational elements of Metro’s Parks and Nature department as context to receive the audit. Staff could also gather questions to help prepare for the September meeting, but won’t be able to speak in depth about the audit until we have time with the auditor at the September committee meeting.
Composed of citizens from throughout the region, the Natural Areas and Capital Program Performance Oversight Committee includes members from the finance, auditing, accounting, real estate, banking, grant making and law fields. The committee is charged with providing the Metro Council and the citizens of the region an independent, outside review of the program in order to help Metro achieve the best results for clean water, fish and wildlife and future generations.
There will not be a period for oral testimony at this meeting. If you would like to provide testimony to be shared at the next full committee meeting in September:
Submit written testimony by emailing [email protected]. Testimony received by 5 p.m. the day before the meeting will be shared with the committee in advance. All written testimony received will be added to the meeting record. Written testimony received after the 5 p.m. deadline will be shared with the committee after the meeting.