The summarized values and outcomes flyer is available in English and Spanish
Like a compass, values provide direction and purpose to actions. Most of the values that guide the Garbage and Recycling System Facilities Plan stem directly from the values and principles of the 2030 Regional Waste Plan. The plan also includes one new value reflecting Metro’s commitment to seek Tribal government consultation.
Advancing racial equity is foundational to both the Regional Waste Plan and the Garbage and Recycling System Facilities plan. Prioritizing racial equity helps to address historical and disproportionate impacts of the waste system on marginalized communities.
The plan will be guided by the principles of community restoration, community partnerships and community investment as a means to advance racial equity. Following these principles, staff will assess who is being served by our current system, who is not being served, and how can Metro’s investments give back to communities harmed by the garbage and recycling system.
Staff reviewed existing and new values and principles and developed desired outcomes to guide the development of the plan. The values and outcomes were also shaped with input from four advisory committees: Metro’s Committee on Racial Equity, the Metro Policy Advisory Committee, the Regional Waste Advisory Committee and a newly formed community advisory group.
In spring and summer 2022 staff shared the values and outcomes with Metro Council and received policy guidance to develop a plan that focuses on:
- Reducing garbage through waste reduction,
- Improving service quality and access, and
- Keeping services affordable.
Metro knows the people in the region need improved access to services in our garbage and recycling system. The values and outcomes will guide all aspects of the planning, from reporting to Metro Council to assessing regional service gaps. The values of outcomes will inform the development of investment options, and they will be used to measure the overall success of the plan over the next 20 years.
The summarized values and outcomes flyer provides a high-level overview of the ideals that guide the plan and the intended results. The full values and outcomes document details how and when the values and outcomes will be implemented, and how they correspond to the goals of the 2030 Regional Waste Plan.