In 2017, Metro worked with local governments, industry representatives and community members to rethink how garbage and recycling is managed in greater Portland. Out of these conversations came the 2030 Regional Waste Plan, which addressed the challenges in the garbage and recycling system and provided a vision to provide excellent services for everyone. The plan was approved by Metro Council in 2019.
Goal 16 of the 2030 Regional Waste Plan is to maintain a system of facilities, from smaller recycling drop-off depots to larger full-service stations, to ensure equitable distribution of and access to services.
The Garbage and Recycling System Facilities Plan, if adopted by Metro Council, will outline the future infrastructure investments and services needed to fulfill the goals in the 2030 Regional Waste Plan.
The project will look at the region’s current public, private and non-profit garbage, recycling and reuse infrastructure, identify service gaps, and present potential approaches and a plan for future system investments. Specifically, the plan will include:
- An overview of the facility-based garbage, recycling and reuse services necessary for achieving the goals of the 2030 Regional Waste Plan
- The current and anticipated gaps in those services
- Alternative scenarios for the public, private and non-profit sectors to fill the gaps or mitigate the need to fill them over the next 20 years
- An implementation plan and financing options for Metro’s role in advancing the plan and building new facilities.
The scenarios may include construction of new facilities, incorporation of new services in existing facilities, and non-facility based alternatives. The plan will include consideration of costs and ratepayer impacts, and will elevate the needs of communities of color and other groups historically underserved or impacted by the solid waste system.
The information from this project will help guide Metro’s future investment in facilities and infrastructure and help to close the gap between those with access to services and those without. The plan will be completed in five phases from February 2022 to December 2024.