Metro’s Regional Illegal Dumping Patrol program tackles the problem of dumped garbage on public property and provides other cleanup services around the tri-county region. In response to Metro’s 2030 Regional Waste Plan, and its strategic plan to advance racial equity, RID Patrol is in the process of expanding its existing work transition program and creating career pathways for individuals with systemic barriers to employment. This program will be designed to support a transformational experience for people with systematic barriers to employment and specifically focus its services to support Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) impacted by the criminal justice system.
Metro intends to develop a Work Transition Advisory Committee that centers the voice of those who serve these populations in transition and allow their voice to inform the expansion of the RID Patrol workforce transition program. The advisory committee for this project will help ensure: 1) that the development of RID Patrol’s work transition program follows the principles set forth in the 2030 regional waste plan. 2) The program meets best practice standards for workforce development and launches adequate wrap around support for people transitioning out incarceration and other systemic barriers. In practice, this includes but is not limited to elements of racial equity, trauma informed care, harm reduction principles, cultural humility and restorative justice.
To do this, the advisory committee will; 1) develop a shared understanding of the project goals and strategic plan development; 2) advise Metro staff on project development during critical points of strategic plan development (i.e. research findings, program branding, implementation and operational plans); 3) identify opportunities for Metro to partner with organizations that provide services to target populations.
The RID Patrol program is housed in Metro’s Waste Prevention and Environmental Services (WPES) department. WPES is embarking in workforce equity initiatives throughout the region’s garbage and recycling system. There may be opportunities for committee members to advise on department wide workforce development projects beyond RID Patrol during the term of their contract.