As MPO, Metro is required by the federal government to develop the Unified Planning Work Program each year with input from local governments, TriMet, the Oregon Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration. The program is a guide for transportation planning activities to be conducted over the course of each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).
The UPWP includes:
- planning priorities for the region
- projects of regional significance: description, objectives, previous work, methodology, products expected, responsible entities, costs, funding sources and schedules
- transportation planning, programs, projects, research and modeling: participating entities, tasks and products for the coming year along with costs, funding sources and schedules.
Metro uses a decision-making structure that provides state, regional and local governments the opportunity to participate in transportation and land use decisions. The Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation, which consists of elected and appointed officials, must approve regional transportation policies and plans in concert with the Metro Council.